A New Era in Laser and Optimized Light Technology

The Icon Cynosure laser will smooth the skin and stimulate its elasticity. It offers high peak powers, state-of-the-art cooling and built in calibration to improve functionality and dependency.

This is a major innovation in the treatment the effects of aging on your skin. It acts on the sagging skin, has a lifting and smoothing effect. It gives a strong stimulating effect on collagen synthesis and has a preventive effect on aging. As a result, a clear and fair skin complexion will be achieved and the skin will be re-plumped. It also removes rosacea and spider veins. Due to its exclusive characteristics, the Icon platform offers efficiency and safety.

Icon Laser has one platform and 3 different hand pieces, 1540 Fractional Laser, MaxG, and MaxR.

What does it do?

The System’s Patented Innovations Include:

The Skintel® Melanin Reader, the only FDA-cleared melanin reader, offers aesthetic practitioners a quantitative method of measuring melanin content for better treatment guidance and an added element of confidence.

The Skintel Melanin Reader quantitatively determines the average melanin density of skin prior to an energy-based aesthetic treatment. Understanding how much melanin is in the skin helps you to best choose the treatment settings on our systems for enhanced outcomes, while minimising the risk of over-treatment.

The aesthetic treatment provider takes Skintel measurements on a section of skin within or near the area to be treated. An average of the measurements is sent to the Icon system via a wireless connection.

Power: Delivering a maximum effective energy1 of over 350 joules, the Icon is the most powerful laser and optimised light aesthetic platform.

Advanced Contact CoolingTM: Cooling maintains the temperature at 5 degrees Celsius during treatments for enhanced comfort and skin protection.

Hexagonal XFTM Microlens: High-speed, non-ablative fractional resurfacing with increased surface coverage typically allows for a full face, one-pass treatment in under 15 minutes.

Intuitive User Interface: Enhanced user interface features new treatment tracking technology for more streamlined procedures.

Calibration: New external calibration for optimal pulsed light performance.

AccuSpectrumTM: Dual filters minimise unnecessary epidermal exposure, enhancing client comfort.

Photon RecyclingTM: Maximises treatment results by reducing energy loss.

Smooth PulseTM: Proprietary light delivery system that allows for the usage of greater amounts of energy.


Fractional laser resurfacing is recent laser technology that rejuvenates skin and offers minimal recovery time and low risk of complications. The laser utilizes a very precise resurfacing technology that is sometimes called fractional because it is able to treat specific areas of the skin while sparing others, resulting in smoother, rejuvenated skin.

Lasers today target very specific molecules and structures in the skin to achieve a desired outcome. Lasers operate with various wavelengths for different results and outcomes. Ablative lasers target the outer skin layers and mid-level skin layers. By targeting and resurfacing these areas (the dermis and epidermis) the lasers are said to be ablative. The most common ablative lasers are erbium with wavelengths of 2940 nm and the carbon dioxide with 10,600 nm. Healing time with ablative lasers is typically in the range of 7-10 days with redness of the skin for several weeks.

Non-ablative lasers specifically target the epidermis and dermis, while leaving the outermost epidermal layer intact. Most non-ablative lasers deliver wavelength energy of around 1,300 to 1,600 nm. Healing time with the Icon non-ablative fractional laser is typically a day or two with zero to no downtime.

Those seeking a safe and effective method of skin resurfacing with little or no downtime choose non-ablative fractional resurfacing. Many skin conditions can be enhanced from high energy and penetrated deeper with the Icon laser, including: acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, fine wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation.

Men and women of various ages and all different ethnicities benefit from the Icon laser treatment. Those with realistic expectations of what the laser can and cannot accomplish are the best candidates for the procedure.
It is not considered painful and is typically very well tolerated and depending upon treatment level and your own comfort level, a topical numbing cream may be provided.
Edema, and sometimes blanching is expected immediately post treatment and generally resolves within 24-48 hours. It may last up to 3-5 days in some clients. Those being treated may experience significant, broken capillaries and bronzing in the treatment area for approximately 1-3 days after treatment. Once the treatment area has healed some itching or dryness may occur. This will gradually clear.

-Use gentle skin products recommended from the clinic

-Avoid makeup for 24 hours

-Avoid excessive exercise for 1-3 days after the treatment

-If treated on the face, do not lay flat for the next 24 hours but try to sleep with 2 pillows.

-Treated areas should not be picked or scrubbed.

-Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen recommended from clinic whenever outside